Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Crest 3D White-Strips 2 Hour Review

        So one thing I've always hated how easily my teeth stain, and how my canine teeth are always slightly more yellow than the rest of my teeth. So with the academic year coming up, I tried out Crest Whitening Strips.

      I tried the 2 hour ones, because it was the first ones I saw. I heard from Fleur de Force that the 2 hour strips made her teeth sensitive, while the 30 minute ones didn't. However, I did them right before I went to sleep, and had no problem.
        Putting them on and taking off wasn't hard, if kinda gross after 2 hours. The strips weren't uncomfortable, but they were very distracting. I watched 2 episodes of Downton Abbey, while trying my hardest not to rub my tongue against the edges.
        I didn't really notice a big difference, maybe because my teeth weren't yellow to begin with, but I did see that my canine teeth were still more yellow than the other teeth. My mom said she did notice a little difference.
       I give these strips 3.5/5, because they were convenient, not messy, not gross, but they didn't make a huge difference.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Qualities of a Good and Bad Teacher

Good Teacher:

  • "You can turn it in early for extra credit"
  • "You can leave your binders in the classroom" - no one needs 5 binders in their locker/backpack
  • "Bring in a box of tissues for extra credit" - EVERY CLASSROOM NEEDS TISSUES
  • "If your printer isn't working, you can just email it to me"
  • Showing a video to help explain something they're teaching
  • Lets you pick your seats for the first day/week of school
  • Asks you who would would and would not like to sit with when preparing a seating plan
  • Lets you pick your project partners
  • Picks your project partners randomly

Bad Teacher:

  • "You can't turn it in early, because I'll lose it"
  • "You're going to need one folder for each unit" - a binder with dividers is easier and cheaper 
  • Showing a video instead of teaching
  • Seats the "smart" kids next to the "dumb" kids so the "smart" kids can help out the "dumb" kids
  • Pairs the "smart" kids with the "dumb" kids in projects, so the "dumb" kid's grade will go up
  • Picks your project partners "randomly"
  • Tries to talk like a teenager
  • Treats kids like they're stupid/younger than they are 
  • Never has tissues, bandaids, paperclips, and random assorted things needed in a classroom full of kids
Teachers get on average 3.9/5, because they are under-appreciated, but there are some that are not equipped with the ability to teach...

Monday, September 2, 2013

Color Variation in Dogs

        I've always found dog breeding really interesting, because if you think about it, it's really weird. I remember learning about "breeding" plants and making peonies or roses or tulips a darker or light color, but that also happens with dogs. This is why no dog's fur is totally identical to another's.
        Some breeders will focus on really dark golden's, another might breed honey colored germans. It's all a matter of preference. The biggest differences I've seen in dog breeds (as a long time dog owner) are with golden retrievers, labrador retrievers, and german shepherds.

Golden Retriever
        Above you'll see a white golden retriever, which is less common. Breeders like Golden Girls Kennels and White dove Ranch specifically look for parents with very white fur.
        What people see most often is somewhere between the picture above and below. Breeders who don't aim for a particular shade of fur usually come up with these kinds of variation, which shows that it's the most common for golden's.
        Below is what you would call a "fox red" golden retriever. Just like with white golden's, breeders combine parents with darker fur. However, I couldn't for the life of me find a breeder, because Google just sent me straight to breeders of fox red labs, not golden's. 
Yellow Labrador Retriever
        Yellow Labs can range from white (above) to yellow (below), but both are pretty common. 
        However, fox red labs are very rare, and just recently becoming very "in" for dog breeders and owners. Here are some breeders that focus on the red fur in labs: Red Pointing LabradorsFox Red Lab PupsFox Red Lab, and Black Fork Labradors
        Obviously I've only mentioned the yellow labs, because there's really no variation in black labs, and brown/"chocolate" labs don't have much variation either. If you look up "light brown labs" you can sometimes get slightly darker yellow labs, and the majority of brown labs are either "dark" or "medium" brown. 

German Shepherds
        No, these aren't albinos. Every once in a while, a cute little genetic anomaly due to a recessive gene is born and breeders take advantage of it. Some breeders include: Polar Bear PuppiesWhitestone Kennels, and Rolling H Farms
        Again with cute little anomalies due to a gene that affects pigment formation. Black Germans aren't as rare as white ones (that sounds racist out of context), but you still don't see these as often as the brown ones. Breeders: Best Black German Shepherds and Black German Shepherds
       The norm is between the above image and below image, with a mix of brown shades. Everyone's probably seen them before in police movies and presentations. Different "shades" and "patterns" are called sable, fawn, honey, and saddle.

       Before I wrap up the blog, I do have to add that before you get a dog from a breeder, it's always best to check out the local shelters, because for one, you may find what you're looking for, and two, there's a chance you'll find the perfect match for you that you never realized.

Here's a video about a shelter dog that's considered "unadoptable. these dogs are called this because they are older than 1 year old, are overweight, have scars, etc. So remember the shelter animals too...

Dogs get 10 out of 5, because I'm a dog person. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What To Do When You're Sick To Your Stomach

1. BRAT Diet
  • Bananas
  • Rice
  • Applesauce/ apples
  • Toast/ crackers
2. Watch Daily Vlogs on YouTube while reclining in a comfy chair

4. Sleep

6. Pretend you're rich and fake buy a bunch of cool clothing
8. Sleep more

9. Listen to music

10. Blog about it!

Being sick gets 0/5, while having no responsibilities for the day gets 4/5.