Tuesday, August 12, 2014

10 Rules of the Gym

In the summer before I move to college, I got a gym membership, because I was tired of sitting on my butt for 90% of the day, every day, for 2 months of summer.

So I've gone to workout at least 6 days a week, every week, and from these hours at the gym, I've learned some basic rules of the gym, that many people don't seem to understand...

1. Don't try to start up a conversation with another person unless they are resting or stretching, AND they don't have headphones in. It's really hard to do squats when someone is trying to ask you about you life. And I just want to listen to my music.

2. If you rest in between intervals (or whatever you call it), get off the machine so someone else can use it!

This guy was just sitting here, bouncing to his music, for 5 minutes.

3. After using a weight, a medicine ball, or an exercise ball, PUT IT AWAY. I don't want a 70 pound weight on the only free stretch mat, because I can't lift that off the ground without hurting myself.

4. Try not to grunt when you're lifting - it's kind of weird and uncomfortable to listen to.

5. If you're working out with a friend of family member, leave your problems at the door, please. Listening to you argue is kind of sad, and pretty annoying.

6. Wear headphones. I don't want to hear your music. Even if you're working out with a friend, please don't put your phone on speaker mode and play your music.

7. Don't correct someone or try to give them pointers unless they are going to hurt themselves due to poor form or whatever. No one likes a know-it-all or a smart-ass.

8. If you're going to sit there on your phone, or stewing in your own lack of motivation, get off the stretch mat so someone else can use it. There's only ever like 3 of them at once.

9. If you're gonna be this guy:

At least put the weights away too.

And finally, the most important rule:

10. Don't judge anyone for what they're doing at the gym. Don't judge them for lifting really light weights. They could be getting over an injury, they could have a muscular disorder, they could be getting over a sickness, or they're just really weak and need to start small - you don't know their story. Don't judge people for wearing heavy clothing, don't judge them for wearing skimpy clothing. Don't judge them for trying to lift a heavy weight and failing. Every single person in that gym, including yourself, is in that gym because they want to improve something about themselves. So you should respect that and respect the other people at the gym. Everyone starts somewhere.  

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