Saturday, July 25, 2015

My Top Six Internet-Famous Animals

Hey, everyone! Long time, no see!
So if you couldn't tell by many of my reviews, I'm a pet lover, and 100% consider myself a cat mom. I have 2 cats and 1 dog, but at one point in my life there were 7 cats in my house, all of them rescues or strays we took in except one (and he knows it, the little brat).
I'm very passionate about having pets, caring for pets, and advocating for future pets (shelter or stray animals in needs of homes).

And if you were to go on my Instagram or Vine, you would notice that half of the accounts I follow are cats and dogs. There's also one parrot. But I love when people post pictures or videos of their pets being adorable or hilarious, because you feel like you're in a community of people who love their pets unconditionally.

Also, videos of cats or dogs being dorks will always be funny. Like falling asleep with their tongues sticking out? Golden.

So since I'm very involved in the "internet pet" life, I've discovered some wonderful famous pets - many of them you'll recognize - and I'd like to share them with you.

1. Beanz Hart

Beanz is a hairless Mexican Xolo, a breed of dog that has less teeth than the average canine (HAHA GET IT... sorry).
Beanz doesn't have enough teeth on her left side to keep her tongue in her mouth, so it just slides out of her mouth. To quote her mom, "she doesn't have a disorder, she's not, like, 'slow' or anything... she doesn't have a disease, she's totally healthy and sweet."
Her mommy, Mamrie Hart, is a popular YouTuber who hosts "You Deserve A Drink", a hilarious show where you learn how to make drinks and terrible/wonderful puns at the same time. Mamrie loves spoiling Beanz to no end and dressing her in fabulous outfits!
She also has an Instagram account, with over 171,000 followers.

2. Princess Monster Truck

Princess Monster Truck's parents found her on their way home from work in Brooklyn. They took the hungry stray in and quickly fell in love.
Princess was born with her beautiful, unique face; there was no disease or injury that caused it. Abnormal jaw structures are actually pretty common in Persian breeds.
She has her own website and merchandise, and has over 145,000 followers on Instagram.

3. Lil Bub

Lil Bub is probably the second most famous internet cat, after Grumpy Cat. She's known for her tiny body, big eyes, and her tongue sticking out.
This precious kitty was born the runt of a feral litter, and her fame has helped raise $300,000 for special needs animals like her.
"Special needs" means the animal may have a disability, chronic illness or medical condition, and/or behavioral issues. Common special needs pets are missing limbs, are deaf or blind, or have diabetes or allergies. These pets may need medications, accessible living spaces and accommodations, and/or more supervision/care.
Lil Bub has multiple genetic anomalies, dwarfism, osteopetrosis, an underdeveloped bottom jaw, no teeth, and is polydactyl (she has 22 toes!). Some of these conditions make it difficult for her to move around. Despite the challenges she faces, she is an incredibly happy cat who is loved by her owner and her 4 adopted siblings.

4. Pudge The Cat

I love Pudge the cat because not only does she have the greatest name ever, but she looks like a grandpa with a voluptuous white mustache.
She's an exotic shorthair, who doesn't like anything that normal cats do. Despite the pattern that you can see forming, Pudge does not have special needs or any kind of birth defects - she just has  fabulous facial markings.
She also has her own website and merch, and a part of the proceeds are donated to local animal shelters and rescue organizations.

5. Grumpy Cat

Meet Tardar Sauce, a lovely little girl of an unknown breed and a famously grumpy expression. She became famous in 2012 when her picture was posted on Reddit, and videos of her were posted on YouTube. She's now become a meme of pessimism and ill-will towards others, which is hilarious.

Tardar Sauce, more commonly known as Grumpy Cat, has feline dwarfism, which contributes to her small size, and possibly to her unique face as well. She's very healthy, and and plays and acts like a normal cat. The grumpiness does not extend to her personality.

6. Tuna The Dog

Meet Tuna, the only male animal in my list today, a Chiweenie (mix between chihuahua and dachshund) whose picture has also become a meme on the Internet.

Tuna has an excessive overbite and a wrinkly neck, making him look like the most fabulous dog nerd. He was a rescue dog, and his fame has raised money and awareness for animal rescue groups.

These famous pets are living proof of the impact that animals can have on people - especially rescue animals. They prove that looking "different" isn't a bad thing; there will always be people out there who absolutely love the way you look.
They are incredible ambassadors for shelter/rescue animals, showing that just because they're not professionally bred doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with them. There are plenty of special needs animals in shelters, but just like the others in the shelter, they are perfect in their own way and just as capable of loving you unconditionally and making you incredibly happy.


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