Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Band-Aid Review: Tough Strips Extra Large Waterproof

        So last night I had a bit of an incident involving an overexcited 2 year old labrador named Charlie. I ended up with 3 medium sized scratches on my arm that were too inconveniently placed for their own smaller band-aids, so I found these bad boys in the cabinet.  

        First observation: the top is a strange plastic-y texture that's not very comfortable. The other Band-Aid's I've used are either fabric-y or rubber-y, but this wasn't. I guess it's part of the "Tough Strips" brand, but I didn't like it. I didn't test out the waterproof-ness, but it definitely felt waterproof to me. 

        If you see below, there's this grid of white strings on the sticky part of the Band-Aid. I don't know why, but they're annoying. I slept with this on my arm, and when I woke up and took it off, the strings around the edges stuck to my arm.
        Also, the arm is an uncomfortable place for Band-Aids, because the forearm and elbow crook has delicate skin and the rest has hair that hurt when it gets pulled. And removing this one was worse than the tape they use to attach an IV to your arm. It hurt, and the entire rectangle is red, slightly swollen in the corners, and very delicate. 
        Once the bandaid was off, my arm was very sticky, and the little strings were stuck to my arm hairs. Pulling them off HURT.

        I'm also disappointed with the size of the pad. The Band-Aid covered my entire elbow, but the pad barely covered the 3 scratches I had. With that size Band-Aid, the pad could have been way bigger and covered more "wound space".
        One positive note is something that I really like about the Band-Aid brand is the Quilt-Vent pad, that "wicks" blood away from the wound. It actually really works, and the blood travels away from the wound in little channels. 
        This type gets a 1/5. I'll keep an eye our for better large Band-Aids, and if you (my lovely readers) find something nice, leave it in a comment, please!

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